Crafting Style With Creative Flair We Infuse Poetry In The Air... 🪄

"As I tread the paths of the world's embrace, Each step, a soothing balm to my soul's grace. In the dance of discovery, I find my peace, A whispered symphony, where worries cease. With every horizon, a canvas unfurls, Painted with hues of the universe's pearls. In the rhythm of travel, my spirit sings, Embraced by the solace that exploration brings."

by Maitreni Mishra

Our Magical Mosaic

Crafting Style With Creative Flair We Infuse Poetry In The Air... 🪄

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कुछ किस्से… Forlorn Tales

कुछ किस्से हैं, कुछ बातें हैंकुछ सांझी सी सौगातें हैंआँखों-ही-आँखों में कट गयींकुछ अंतहीन सी रातें हैं | ढीले – ढीले से, बिगड़े …

The Ice Maiden

‘The Ice Maiden‘ — the title of my poem is derived from a famous fairy tale, a short story written by ‘Hans Christian Anderson‘, the…
Hermit crab 3

The Hermit Crab and a Cancer Heart…

Her heart was made of resin, ’twas clear, fashioned easily… She revived and restored it after every hurt and aversion, but it retained those imprints… ….forever… …

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