Crafting Style With Creative Flair We Infuse Poetry In The Air... 🪄

"As I tread the paths of the world's embrace, Each step, a soothing balm to my soul's grace. In the dance of discovery, I find my peace, A whispered symphony, where worries cease. With every horizon, a canvas unfurls, Painted with hues of the universe's pearls. In the rhythm of travel, my spirit sings, Embraced by the solace that exploration brings."

by Maitreni Mishra

Our Magical Mosaic

Crafting Style With Creative Flair We Infuse Poetry In The Air... 🪄

Explore, Engage, Experience Across a Plethora of Topics

girl and moon

Ushering the Moon?

Today is International Women’s day and being a woman, that too, a mother of two grown-up girls, I wish to express my feelings and concern…
night sky copy

Midnight Moon: Haiku

Life gets mundane sitting in front of T.V. and computer screens and it’s been months that I hadn’t seen clear sky in real. Yesterday, I…
hybrid rose copy

Muliebrity : Haiku

I received this rose as a gift, which was breathtakingly beautiful, but not smelling. It reminded me of the agony of a woman who is being praised for her…

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